An emergency lighting system is a legal requirement for every employer or business that encounters the general public as well as being required for HMO properties. At KGESTC Ltd, we are able to design, supply, install, test and commission emergency lighting complying with the current British Standards.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) 2005, which came into force in October 2006, charges the responsible person in control of non-domestic premises and the common areas of a House in Multiple Occupancy (HMO) with the safety of everyone in the building, whether working, visiting or living there. This duty of care includes the provision of emergency lighting. Article 14 (2) (h) of the RRFSO states: “Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in the case of failure of their normal lighting”.

The umbrella standards for emergency lighting are as follows: –

BS 5266-1:2016 Emergency Lighting – Part 1: Code of practice for the Emergency Lighting of Premises

BS EN 1838:2013 Lighting Application – Emergency Lighting

BS EN 50172:2004 / BS 5266-8:2004 – Emergency Escape Lighting Systems

Every building will have its own specific requirements in respect of emergency escape illumination, the role of which, as noted above, is to take over from the normal lighting provision in the event of a power or circuit failure. Of course, these levels of ‘normal’ lighting will vary, even within an individual building. Different areas inside will have different levels of natural illumination: for example, rooms with external windows have the benefit of daylight, while unglazed, internal areas such as corridors and stairwells must always have lighting provided. If a building is occupied at night, there must usually be provision for emergency lighting in all areas, including those that are naturally lit during the day.

Emergency Lighting should be situated at the following points: –

Final Exits – To provide illumination of escape routes.

Corridors – At a change of direction in an escape route.

Alarm Areas – Fire Alarms, First Aid Points and Fire Fighting Equipment

Junctions – Within two metres of escape route junctions

Stairways – At a change in floor level or stairs (each tread to receive direct light)


For further information or a free of charge site survey please feel free to contact us.

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City & Guilds Qualified
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